Enter the competitors to get your intelligent visitors message on the Texas freeways


TxDOT has been very busy with highway signs and recently posted clever messages on digital message boards promoting safer driving.

Now they are starting a nationwide “Digital Highway Sign Contest” and are requesting contributions.

You are looking for creative security messages on the following topics:

  • Driving disorders (drunk or drugged driving)

  • distracted driving (SMS while driving)

  • do not wear seat belts and / or accelerate

These are the deadliest mistakes drivers make on Texas roads, according to a press release.

Like many transportation agencies around the country, TxDOT has recently been posting breaking news and pop culture news that is sometimes humorous. Some of their recent entries include:

  • Baby Yoda uses a car seat

  • Gobble gobble / step on the gas

  • Admire the road / drive safely

That gives you a little hint of what to expect.

The competition runs from November 24th to December 8th and there is no limit to the number of entries you can submit.

The top 10 entries are published on social media and rated by the public. (A “like” or “share” = one point.)

The agency will post the top three profit announcements on signs across the state.

The signs offer space for 2 foils with 3 lines each and up to 15 characters per line. You can use both slides (6 lines) or just one slide (3 lines).

The message must draw attention to the dangers of common driver errors, e.g. B. distracted driving, driving disturbances, not wearing seat belts, exceeding speed, no tailgates and the left lane only for overtaking.

Hashtags, phone numbers, and website addresses are not allowed and are not used in offensive language.

To submit an entry, visit TxDOT.gov.

TxDOT is not the first or only transport agency to host such a competition. Massachusetts held a similar competition in 2014, among other things.