ATLANTA – Approximately 160 miles of highways in northeast Texas will receive new finishes in the summer of 2017 with a contract awarded by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in October.
The Texas Transportation Commission approved a $ 3.9 million bid from New Boston-based CDM Holdings to seal coating highways in nine counties in the Atlanta district.
“Sealing a freeway involves putting a layer of hot asphalt on the old sidewalk and then covering it with gravel,” said Glenn Green, Atlanta district engineer. “This is a relatively inexpensive process that makes the road surface waterproof, improves slip resistance and maintains the road structure.”
To keep used tires out of the Texas countryside, the district requires that the asphalt be mixed with “crumb rubber,” which is made from grinding old tires.
“Using crumb rubber in our asphalt has proven to be an excellent way to seal our highways. The rock is less likely to loosen, there is less asphalt to bleed through the rock, and it can be used on a wider variety of surfaces, ”said Green.
The following motorways are to be paved again in summer 2017: